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"I was delighted with the staff and your service! I particularly appreciated speaking to a live person and actually feeling part of your team! The finished product was extraordinary!"
Teri Brown
Howell Memorial Middle School
Morganville, NJ
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Customer Case Study

Sue Burke Designs

Company Profile

Founded in 2002, Sue Berk Designs artfully crafts baby christening gifts, such as crosses, blankets and picture frames. Their products are currently featured in over 1,000 stores nationwide.

Business Situation

Sue Berk Designs employs a very active email marketing presence. However, with a list of over 1,000 clients to draw from, the company had an email address for only a third. And, in dealing with so many small stores, many of her client contacts were out of date or no longer in use. With a larger, more accurate database, Sue Berk Designs would be able to generate more sales as a result of its marketing efforts and have another channel to stay on top of prospects.


Printing for Less worked with Sue Berk to develop and print a postcard mailer which went out to her client list. The postcard featured a compelling offer accompanied by striking, clear graphics on the front. The reverse prompted prospects to submit their orders through email to redeem the free offer, which would potentially add new customers to her existing database. The entire campaign, postage, printing and all, cost under $500.


Not only did the postcard mailer verify the bulk of their contact database, it increased their internet marketing list by 10%. More importantly, $4,000 of sales came as a direct result of the campaign. That's over an 800% return on investment!

"Printing for Less really delivers. Every time I employ them for a direct marketing campaign, it pays for itself and then some."