Online Printing Services from PrintingForLess
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"I'm not sure I have ever experienced customer service in any arena of my life quite on par with your team."
Jillian McDonald
Pace University
New York, NY
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The PFL Pro Teams

The Rodeo Team
The Rodeo Team is here to assist you with anything related to your full-color printing projects, including:
  • Technical assistance
  • Digital file preparation
  • File reviews and corrections
  • Priority order processing
  • Turnaround and shipping
  • Wholesale pricing
  • Quotes on custom options
  • Packaging and fulfillment
  • Software solutions
  • Order status and billing issues
ca Brooke Odell is a third generation Vermonter and had not lived outside the state until January of 2014 when she packed up her boyfriend Ian, dog Porter, what few belongings would fit into single cab pick-up truck, and headed west. Brooke graduated from Saint Michael's College in Colchester, VT in 2008 with a degree in Spanish and International Business. Before moving to Montana, Brooke worked in Alumni Relations at Dartmouth College as part of it's Dartmouth for Life program. Before her time at Dartmouth she worked in Human Resources and Marketing for the law firm of Paul Frank + Collins in Burlington, VT. In her free time she enjoys jogging, reading, hunting, cooking and exploring all of the beauty that Montana has to offer.
ca Hannah Adams is from Greenville, South Carolina. Born and raised there; she hadn't traveled far from that state for most of her life. While attending Clemson University to study Graphic Communications, also known as a study of the print industry, she was shown a video of in a college course on "Sustainability in the Print Industry." She was very impressed with everything she saw in the video, but went on to graduate in 2013 and got a job at a local South Carolina printing company doing sales and customer service. In early 2016 she called PrintingForLess and applied for a position as a Customer Advocate. When visiting for the interview she fell in love with the town of Livingston, Montana and with the people in it and of course PrintingForLess. This town was perfect for her and her husband with their love of mountains, camping, fishing, and hiking. So two weeks later she and her husband moved across the country to start a new life in Livingston and become part of the PrintingForLess family.
Contact the Rodeo Team at or 866-930-7027.