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Jillian McDonald
Pace University
New York, NY
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The PFL MarTech Teams

The Grizzly Team
The Grizzly Team is here to assist you with anything related to your marketing technology implementation, including:
  • Technical assistance
  • Digital file preparation
  • File reviews and corrections
  • Priority order processing
  • Turnaround and shipping
  • Wholesale pricing
  • Quotes on custom options
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  • Order status and billing issues
ca Leah Murphy was raised in the other best place of Portland, Oregon before growing up in the wilds of Yellowstone National Park after taking a summer job at Old Faithful in 2002. That 'one summer' became 2 more plus 2 winters until the wanderlust kicked in again. She spent the next 4 years slaving for a ski pass in Steamboat Springs, Colorado while continuing her studies in Hospitality & Tourism Management at Colorado Mountain College. But Colorado never was quite up to snuff and Yellowstone witnessed her triumphant return in 2008, where she has spent the past 6 years in Group Sales, most recently as the Senior Account Representative. When life allows, you will find her nose in a book, her fingers tangled in yarn, her mind adrift to the next vacation destination or every bit of her avoiding housework by finding something to explore. She calls Paradise Valley home along with a hobbit (Bilbo Baggins the Aussie Sheppard), a witch (Harlo the Cat) and fiancé Bryan, who loves her despite her love for Oregon Ducks football.
ca Kate Cochran grew up just outside of Denver Colorado. She first fell in love with Montana when she moved to Bozeman to attend Montana State University. After college she returned to Denver to be closer to her family and start her career. Kate had always dreamed of moving back to Montana and did just that in 2016, eventually finding her home in Livingston. In her down time, she loves to take advantage of the outdoor adventures the area has to offer, as well as cooking, puttering in her garden, traveling and going to concerts.
ca Nick Brown was born and raised in Denver, Colorado where he developed a passion for the arts, sports, and technology. After a decade working in the Arts & Entertainment industry (including theater, touring Broadway, and professional sports teams) he found a home at PFL and relocated to Livingston. He has a lot of interests and some of them include reading, running, baking, studying French, hiking, or staring at lines of code in his spare time.
Contact the Grizzly Team at or 800-924-1627.